Thursday, February 2, 2012

Easy A?

Well I have had my first full week of school in the UK... it was interesting. Firstly not only do they do a bachelors programme in 3 years they are also the most practical and career based degree I have ever heard or seen of. From day one of your first year it is all about molding you into a worthy candidate of an industry career. There are no fluffers no sugar just spice, spice, spice. every lesson plan every project is based on getting you ready for the work force. The experience however is going to be worthy no matter what my nerves are trying to tell me. There is no homework no quizes there are only a few projects that count maorly towards your grade. My projects script produce and present my own one hour radio project. Produce, direct, film a video for a private real world client who could possibly air it in 22 cities across the UK on The BBC. Produce, Direct and present and televison studio "magazine" style programme. Thankfully though most of my peers are tecnology geeks and hate being in front of the camera they also hate being in charge and would rather be submissive. Well that really works out for me and my portfolio as I'm a camera hungry presenter and i also enjoy bossing people around and being in control! But this is unlike any schooling I've ever been in, I though university in America was sink or swim... Well I didn't know about Uni. across the pond i would say its more barely float or drowned. they tell you the projects and whats expected of you but they don't tell you how to do it! it's just figure it out, I'm not lecturing about it or anything. But as for my social calender has been expanding all of the exchange students have made really good friends with one another. I have become best friends with the French, I have also started making friends with the English, but being English they are hard to warm. actually the British people I have made friends with aren't even English they were born in other countries and moved here as children. The drinking age being 18 has been completely bizarre just going into a pub or lounge with your friends and drinking responsibly and just chatting so bizarre. In the America its just well we've got our hands on booz lets totally abuse it and end up with massive hangovers, of course I've only witnessed this never partaked! It's quite funny though because the french kids will have one drink and nurse that sucker the entire night! it's amazing how they can make one pint last 5 hours1 they should teach a course in America. Other than school not that much else has really occured! Next weekend I will be going up north visiting my sister and brother-in-law and touring some stately manors. I will be going to Windsor soon as well to have tea with the Queen. Well until next time! Wish me luck!

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