Thursday, January 26, 2012

Portsmouth Calling

Well i am officially moved into my new dorm. and have been in Portsmouth for almost two whole days now. Today was international orientation, which was quite comical, Portsmouth University has roughly 18,000 undergrad students and there are a total of around 50 exchange students for the semester. So there we were all 50 of us in one giant conference hall in one of the older buildings of the university just staring at each other. I felt like I was in the opening scene for a European Mean Girls movie. All of us staring at one each other and forming cliques although the cliques were based on nationality. All the French, Austrians, Russians forming the largest groups then us Americans and Canadians dotting the hall not talking to each other pretending to be on our phones and look busy and trying not look awkward as we were waiting to check into orientation. Once we got checked in they gave us a free goodie bag with useless papers and a free shirt. once checked in we went to a lecture room where we once again we sat in awkward silence until another American came and sat by me from Minnesota. who emulated the term "Minnesota Nice". And thus my first friend in England was made ironically enough an American. throughout the day we added an Australian and a Portuguese person to the band wagon. Well I'm loosing focus and so if I keep writing the quality of this post will go right down the tube in a firey blaze. So Until next time!