Thursday, March 8, 2012


I normally would write my weekly blog with some amazing adventure or experience that would normally come from Hollywood. But this week I'm doing something different. We are so often overtaken and obsessed with our own lives and loose track of what is really important. This sounds so cliched but never more than right now has the point been driven home to me. An hour ago I came across a video titled Kony 2012, at first I thought it was presidential campaign video but I soon realized it was not. I'm adding the video below and all I ask of you this week is to watch it. With in the first 5 minutes I was moved to tears, I know the video is 30 minutes but please for me and whatever is decent in this world watch this. Thank you so much and I will have another amazing adventure to tell you after this weekend. Just copy and paste the link below into your web address browser and watch this. Thank you all God Bless.

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