Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rollin' on the River Like a Too Proud Mary

Pride is a funny thing and how it can effect people. Earlier this week my Mom and Aunt arrived in England, as this was my last week of Uni before I break for Easter they decided to go on the good ole narrow boat in Nottingham and as with the rest of my life this too had it's share of adventure. We begin last Wednesday as I made my way up to Redditch, Normally when taking the train I don't go via London, I now know why. I made my way from Portsmouth to London on the train with no problems, when I arrived at the Waterloo Station the turnstile wasn't accepting my ticket, I didn't think anything of it as these machines are more faulty than Lindsay Lohan's blood alcohol tests. A nice employee opened the gate for me with no problem and onwards I went across London on the tube to another train station. Once at the Euston train station I proceeded to my platform and got my ticket out handed it to the conductor and he informed me that my ticket was for the not for that day but the following day. Well naturally many unchristian words came into my head, so I dragged my luggage back to the ticketing counter to get the problem sorted out. Now I thoroughly enjoy the bureaucratic red tape in American politics, but the England rail service certainly has it beat. While waiting in line I was scooping out the person I perceived to be most maternal, well I got that one wrong this woman was probably the most satanic woman I have ever met, and I work in retail. After a lengthy battle with her she informed be that it would cost me £50 to change the ticket as it was not there fault because the Portsmouth station is not a Virgin station and the problem is on Southwestern's end. Now I try to be a kind respectful human but this female dog was asking for it. Well after some kind stern words, I got the manager and after a failed attempt and flashing my horsey white teeth and arguing for 15 minutes he finally reduced it to £20. Still too much, but at this point I wanted to leave. Finally getting to Redditch I just wanted to relax and kick my feet back, but why would I get this chance? My darling sister decided to wake me up the following day at 8 and had me clean with her until 5, just because my mother would be coming to her house for a few hours, you would have thought that the Queen and her deceased predecessors were coming to visit. Once we had finally cleaned and went to bed I got to get up at 5 the next morning because apparently the only planes to Birmingham from New York arrive at 6 A.M. Once we had collected my family we went back to my sisters house for a few hours, where the cleaning was not admired, before heading to the boat in Nottingham. I would say I come from a boating enthused family, yet I did not get this gene, well besides the whole clothing part, I can wear a mean nautical outfit. Once we got the boat out of the marina and into the water I insisted on driving and being in charge as I have too much pride. I then proceeded to nearly kill us twice and crash the boat 3 times surrounded by other boats and people where my pride was effectively diminished and I soon sought the shelter of the kitchen away from the rest of the boating community and become the tea and biscuit boy. The excursion also had it's fare share of sibling battles, but we'll save that for the family reunion. On Sunday myself and my brother - in -law could not to escape the ship and cruise for land. But once again I can never have a normal train trip although this was my fault. As I wanted to get to Portsmouth earlier rather than later I got on an earlier train thinking it wouldn't be a big deal, well I was soon corrected half way to Portsmouth I was told I would have to get off and wait until my scheduled train came through. I was also told that I would have to pay some bogus penalty, conveniently though there was a hold on my card whilst I was traveling on the train and I wasn't able to pay it and got away scotch free. I finally made it to Portsmouth at my scheduled time. As for the latest happenings in England, global warming has seemed to fall upon England as for the pat week the average temperature has been 70's and blue skies, who needs to go to Spain when you can get your tan on in England? So lets say I will have a nice English glow when I arrive back in New York for my Easter holiday, yes you heard correctly! Thanks to frequent flyer miles and enough work shifts to back my European tour that much better. I will be gracing New York for 2 weeks with my lovely presence...but will be mainly working rather than leading the social scene. As for my upcoming travels, Larissa flies in on Saturday and from there my family and I will be traveling through England to Ireland for a week. So until next time, stay classy and dance.

P.S. Mrs. Brooks I will not be proof reading this... as I fell asleep writing this :) enjoy!


  1. That was a great the Lindsay part

  2. Hilarious, Josh. I LOVE hearing all of it, especially from 1st Person Josh perspective.

  3. The cleaning was well worth it!
