Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Next Great Moment

       Well, summer is over and it's time to get onto the next great adventure. The next great moment. There comes a time in all of our lives when we come to these huge precipices. These presipices challenge us as individuals and when confornted we can either run from them or take a leap of faith.
     I always thought that studying in England would be one of the most defining moments of my life. I had assumed that it would be the greatest of the presipices. the difference with England and Minneapolis is that I always knew I would be coming back to New York, I always knew there would be an end to that adventure in England. But now it's a whole new game. This time I don't know when I'll be returning to New York. This, the very thought that freightens me, also, infigurates me. I feel a sense of excitement and adventure. A new city to conquer. New people to meet. New places to go.
      So many kids hate home. They don't appreciate what it's given to them. I used to be one of them. I would moan and complain about being stuck here. But it's not till now, now that I'm leaving that I truly appreciate everything it's given me. Everything I've learned here. I will truly miss New York. I know though that moving to Minneapolis is the right thing to do. Every muscle, bone, nerve is electrified and knows that Minneapolis is a necessary part of my journey. Even if I don't know where this journey will take me or end. But that's the exciting thing about life. You just never know where life will take you. All you can do is believe and wait for that next great moment.


  1. Perfectly said. Good luck Josh. I love you to pieces.

  2. Home is good...it's the comfy old slipper that's always there - especially when you need it. But "new cities to conquer, new people to meet and new places to go" are the spice of life.

  3. It's really showing my present state of mind. Don't forget that you are only 20 - life can't stop when you are so young. It's a very beginning. Time spent in England was a great adventure - but right now it's past, but past which motivates you to have more and more great experiences. To be true there is no such thing as "end" - there are only doors through which we pass. So keep going Josh :)
